Sunday, December 9, 2007

Surrounded By People I Love

The show went fine last night and today. Jen (my sister) and her posse came to last night's performance. It was fun to hear her laughing in the audience. She laughed at all my favorite moments...can a sense of humor be genetic? Afterwards we hit the town; it was so fun to be with her and her friends. They are a ball.

I had to be at the theatre by 12:15. The actors asked me to come earlier to run a speed through line read with them. The sound technician did not show for the matinee, so the SM forgot to give actor calls because of all the chaos as they figured out the board and found a body to run it. The play did not begin until 3:15 and they started the show without an actor call. So, the play started, but there were no bodies in place. They had to restart it. Also, the headset did not work, so the entire audience could hear the SM calls throughout the show. I just sat there and thought, "I am so glad that even in nyc theatre, things happen..."

My dear friend from Sioux Falls, Greg LaFollette is in town for business so he came to the show. Again, it is wonderful to have a familiar face in the strange new world of mine. I was sad that his wife Kaye did not make the trip, but with Christmas sneaking up, she needed to stay back at the ranch which I totally understand. After the show, Greg and I went to Little Italy to have dinner (yummy gnocchi). We had such a lovely time. Greg (and Kaye) are the kind of people that just make you a better person when you are around them. They have been such a champion for me and my family for the past fifteen years and also gave me the gift of trusting me as a teacher, director and coach for their daughter Amanda when I was at O'Gorman. "Mandy" continues to blaze a trail of success in her professional and personal life. To quote a line from one of Mandy's oral interpretation piece, "It has been exciting to swim along in her wake."

Also, Greg and Kaye are the type of people who lead a life that we should all learn from...they never settle. Greg is continuing adding new "entrepreneurial gigs" to his repertoire and Kaye just jumped out of an airplane. They also are people who share their time, money and love with all you are lucky enough to enter their path. I have certainly been a benefactor of their generosity. My life is richer because of them.

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