Thursday, October 18, 2007

Today I did the unthinkable....I patronized Toys R Us on 43rd and Broadway. The doll I borrowed from Sylvia was not to Gia (with a hard g) liking so I had to take one for the team. Do you know that they take your picture when you you are entering Disneyland? I immediately asked "Where are the dolls?" Answer: "Second floor - right in from of the Barbie Castle. I wanted to die. I grabbed the first doll I found under $20 and made my way to the Women's Project.

I had to paint the Blackberry white, finalize the other props, arrange and clean the rehearsal space and check details with the people at Pace. Once I got there, I also helped out with more marketing before heading home to get ready for the theatre. The entire communication network on this project is less than impressive...frankly, it sucks.

I am so glad that I am having this opportunity. To say the least, we work differently. However, it will all be so helpful when I teach directing in the spring.

I got caught in traffic in a taxi. Eventually, I paid and got out and ran the last six blocks in my heels. I just made the 7:30 curtain. The Overwhelming was BEAUTIFULLY directed; I am so drawn to that type of seemless movement with an ensemble. The director was all over that stage. The lead - Sam Roberts - was out of his league with the rest of the cast. Acting 101 things, like owning cutoff lines, were thrown; I could see the black of the text as he spoke.

The script is amazing. I can't wait to read it. It will be a wonderful script to use in directing as we break scripts for research and dramaturgy.

After the show, John von Sooten and I went to Angus to talk about the show. We had a table right next to Tony Roberts - wow. John is going to be such a great resource for me and the university. His work in media and with all the major theatre artists of our time could be the best job ever...right after mine.


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