Thursday, October 25, 2007

The Women of WP Rock!

Call at Pace University for the Women's Project performance of I Want What You Have was 8 am. This is officially the earliest that I have been up since arriving in nyc.

Once we got there, we were suppose to have a tech rehearsal from 8:30 - 10:30. This did not happen. Instead, we were given 45 minutes. I have to say, that I handled it all quite well. I kept Gia (the director) calm, the actors supplied with information and beverages, and the officials of Pace and Make Mine a Million (the organization for whom we were performing) on task.

We had 3 hours to chill. Chriselle read our was an amazing experience. I know that like a fortune cookie or horoscope you can find whatever you want, but she hit on things that were right on. For example:

  • I had two sons - who are not close in age but close in relationship
  • I have a tendency to "run away" which I have been doing since I was a child
  • A man whose name began with a "R" came into my life during after an life altering time but would have not been in my life without the life altering event
  • In my 60's, my life dream will be realized
  • A female whose name in Kathy or some derivative will become very import to me
  • My left brain tends to dominate my right
  • I carry my past positively with me day by day

Chriselle studied my hand for at least 30 minutes. She is originally from India and has lead such an interesting life. Currently, she is an office manager, but she is also a model and actor. After she read my palm, we went for a walk. We had a lovely talk as she did not know anything about me personally nor I her.

The performance went on without a hitch. I called the cues from the booth, the actors were terrific, and the audience loved it. I will miss all of these women. However, I already have plans to go to another play directed by Gia on Friday with Tamila, to go to church with Leanne and to have lunch with Chriselle. They have made me a stronger director and woman.

My dad went back into the hospital with another heart scare. It is really difficult to not be able to hop on my scooter and go to Avera. He will be fine, but I told him that most people have a "to do list" before they die. He seems to have a "not to do list." Between my lack of sleep and my first bout of homesickness, it was a pity party afternoon and evening.

Tuesday night, I just vegged. I was completely spent from a weekend of company and all the performance demands. I was in bed by 11...I do not think I have been in bed that early since high school!

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