Tuesday, October 30, 2007

It was another beautiful day in Manhattan. After seeing Whitney and Kacie off, I walked all the way home. It was about 5 miles total, but the East Side is not an area I travel very often. It was just too beautiful to spend the inside reading - which was my plan for the day. I took my act on the road. When Teake was here, we bought this cool lawn chair that folds up into a backpack with storage. So, I grabbed the scripts that I am reading for the Women's Project, my computer, journal and a blanket and headed to Central Park.

The Great Lawn was...great. I read, sunned and relaxed. Four hours later, I packed up - a little pinker and a lot smarter - and headed home. I walked down W. 70th Street on the way to the subway discovering another unexpected treat. As this is a very wealthy housing district, it should not be surprising that some families hire professional decorators to "hallodaze" their brownstones. The preceding pictures are some frighteningly fantastic examples.

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