Monday, November 26, 2007

And the band played on...

Broadway is in week three of the stagehand strike.

The biggest issue is the established number of individuals that is required for each show. The producers want to cut the current requirement in half....1o stagehands. Can you imagine loading in Wicked with 10 people? There are other issues too. Over 20 shows are dark; seven shows employ a different union, so they are still up.

I have had many people ask me how this is affecting my hasn't. This is New York City! There are numerous Off Broadway venues, so I have been to a show almost every day. I have seen numerous excellent productions since the Great White Way went grey on November 10.

The pictures above were taken on Sunday at the Shubert Theatre that normally houses Chicago. Since the majority of the performers and musicians are supporting the unions and many times they walk the line with the stagehands. Also, they provide entertainment for everyone. Here the band is playing on the sidewalk as the picket line marches.

So, far the strike has cost the city about 36 million dollars. It was reported today that restaurants in the theatre district have lost approximately 90 percent of their business. I hope they resolve it soon, but it doesn't sound hopeful anytime soon.

1 comment:

mur said...

holy crap! that is a lot of money.