Friday, January 29, 2010

Standing of the Shoulders of Giants

On Tuesday evening I received incredibly sad news. My teacher, my mentor and my dear friend Nancy Wheeler lost her battle with cancer. I cannot - at this time - respond to the depths of sadness that I have been experiencing, but Wednesday was particularly hard. I was convinced that the funeral was going to be over the weekend, and I would not be able to get home in time for it. I have already missed the funeral of Dave Dedrick who I idolized as a child and loved and respected as an adult, not being able to say goodbye to Nancy was just too heavy.

So on Wednesday morning I got up and thought, “If Nancy was in New York, what show would she want to see?” Easy – South Pacific at Lincoln Center. This musical has been playing for about two years now, and frankly, I have had little interest in seeing it. However, I believe that my love for musicals comes from the influence of Nancy Wheeler and Raymond Peterson in my life. This classic American musical was the perfect choice for me and Nancy to attend.

I have to admit that I cried through most of the first act. Yes, it was beautiful, but more than that, I was overwhelmed with I – Kim Schetnan Bartling, who grew up on a farm in rural SD – was sitting in Lincoln Center in New York City. How did this happen? Who told me I could spend a quarter of my year in this city? What do I know about theatre? Where did I get this appetite to always know more?

Nancy Wheeler. Karen Foster. Bette Gerberding. Sylvia Henkin. Sharon Kringen. Joyce Evans. Mary Alice Haug. Roberta Rude. Julia Bennett. Michele Pawk. Rosie Blunk. Jennie Sievers. Florence Schetnan. Lillian Leithesier. Janet Schetnan.

I have had amazing teachers. Women who have showed me how to love, learn and live. Nancy Wheeler taught me all that plus she showed me how to be a woman passionate about education, theatre, students, family and faith by example.

I have never enjoyed a musical more as I did on Tuesday. It was an honor to watch it with Nancy who as of Tuesday evening will be traveling with me on all my adventures .

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