Sunday, January 17, 2010

...and also with you.

Today we went to Mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral. Archbishop of New York, the Most Reverend Timothy M. Dolan The church was packed and the processional huge; between the Knights of Columbus, the priests, the nuns, the seminarians and alter boys, there must have been an initial parade of over 200 people. Archbishop Dolan brought up the rear and waved and smiled at everyone, even saying to the students and I as he went by, "So, good to see you. How are you?" He was so jovial and approachable. Also, he gave a beautiful homily by making the parallel of Christ's first miracle of turning water into wine and our need to make things happen in the devastated country of Haiti. Also, I am always so taken with the reverence given to Mother Mary in the Catholic church. In a religious denomination still dominated by men, their respect of the wisdom and ability to nurture by women is applaudable.

The students and I shared a Sunday brunch at the Hudson Diner before going our own ways. It is a rainy New York Sunday, perfect for poking around thrift stores, watch football playoffs and that is what I shall do.

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