Wednesday, October 29, 2008

USF Superhero Comes to the Rescue

After a lovely group meal at Spice, the students packed up and headed home. It was a good day to leave the city as it was pouring and cold. After they boarded the van, I actually prepped in one of their apartments for my meeting with Bogart. Then came the call – from Amanda. Their flight had been cancelled due to the weather and the closest they could get to home was Chicago.

It was de ja vu all over again. Two years ago we had the same problem traveling to nyc. At that time, I called President Benedetto as he is originally from Chicago and asked for advice. He not only found the students a hotel, he found one with a shuttle and free breakfast AND he picked up the bill. Two years later, I need my Benedetto superhero powers again. He came to the rescue again. I think it is amazing that our university is close enough that not only do I feel comfortable enough to ask, but that he feels such a connection and responsibility to these eight random students.

1 comment:

So this is how it goes. said...

Stuck in Chicago again?! Wow.
I can't wait to go back to NYC, not sure when that will be but it will happen! But when I go I think I'll make doubly sure I don't go thorugh Chicago! :) I've been delayed every time I've been through that airport!
Hope you're having a great time, Kim! Miss you!