Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sophistication in Wyoming

After weathering a couple storms on our first night of travel -one including actual snow - we arrived to the warmth of Clint Thomas' hospitality and home.

I have been blessed by Clint for many years.  Not only did he star as the lead in the USF musicals Bye Bye Birdie,  Damn Yankees, Crazy for You & Seussical the Musical, his presence on and off the stage was one of extraordinary sophistication. In the dictionary, the first definition of "sophistication" is "uplifting enlightenment." That phrase epitomizes Clint. From the first time I met him at an audition, to last night sitting in his cozy living room, Clint has this amazing way of lifting you closer to God and enlightening you as to how you can better serve as Christ did.

As Teake and I travel away Casper on Wyoming Highway 220, we feel humbled. The geography is not lost on us. We agree we are so small against the mystery of the God's world. Also, we agree that we grow when in the light of people like Clint Thomas. He shines as a beacon of truth and the exudes the warmth of faith. Like my friends, Bob Young, Roger Fredrikson, Kirby Wilcoxson, Rachel Olsen, Rebekah Merriman, Brenda Paulson, Dennis Thum, and Karen Sumner, Clint Thomas makes you a better everything in his presence.

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