Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Road Ahead

As the great Western philosopher Dolly Pardon once said, “If you don't like the road you're walking, start paving another one." It’s not like I don’t like the road I have been walking on, it is that it has just come to a fork in the road. 

Don’t worry; I am not going to quote Frost or Yogi Berra at this point. Instead, I hoped on a plane, flew 2,000 miles and this morning worked 4 hours throwing rock and shoveling sand as I helped build roads in San Mateo. 

There is nothing like physically working side by side with children to adults - including locals, a group from Ole Miss, a guy who walked out of his life in Calgary Canada, and me – to make you appreciate the global beauty and efficiency of collaboration.

It was fun to see familiar faces as many of the children attend Holy Cross.  Also, my family will be proud to know that my throwing rock skills have made me a bit of a celebrity. One woman actually yelled, “She can throw like a man.”  They men like me, but unlike the Rasta guys on the island, they are shy and respectful.

I have promised myself that during this time on the island I am working to make my heart bigger and my body smaller – this morning was a perfect exercise regimen


1 comment:

debzilla said...

Did you ever think that their respectfulness might be more out of fear of your rock throwing skills? Just kidding! So happy you made it. :)