Thursday evening, I finally got into Things We Want at Theatre Row. The cast was young, refreshing and solid...Josh Hamilton, Paul Dano, Peter Dinklage and Zoey Kazan. Johnathon Mark Sherman wrote it and Ethan Hawk directed. I really like it. Sometimes I think that my theatre palate limits and/or defines me like another's food palate. That is, when people come to ncy and eat in McDonalds-TGIF-Hard Rock-etc I am disappointed by their lack of adventure and their obvious disregard for opportunity. However, am I any better when I continuously prefer modern realism (many times with a linear plotline)? I do not know if I should own this or be embarrassed by the ease of plot of which I am drawn. I think that I will chose to make no apologies but strive to "broaden my horizons" by seeking more plays that will not include trite phrases such as "broaden my horizons."
NY Time's Ben Brantly said in his review, "In plot and sensibility, Things We Want is a high-testosterone equivalent of Crimes of the Heart.” Perfect. In fact, I agree with most of Brantly's review especially his comments on Zoe Kazan who I first say in last season's The Prime of Miss Jean Brody with Cynthia Nixon. This young actor is the real deal.
The Pinocchio metaphor of trying to become a real functioning male was interesting. The line from the fairytale "To become a real boy you must prove yourself brave, truthful and unselfish." was used a bit as a club throughout the script. However, a a woman who treads water daily in a sea of testosterone it ripped the bandaid off a lot male use a metaphor of my own.
Also, the self-help guru's numeral methodology was - in fact - worthy of thought.
It goes: If the 7 chakras are aligned, the 5 Senses realizes, 3 Goals are clear...1 true self will be realized. Okay, so my bff Julia Pachoud Bennett would totally dig it.
A post-note to the performance, I sat 4th row center right next to Rachel Weiss and her husband who cuddled throughout the entire show. Ms Weiss is best known for her roles in The Mummy and The Constant Gardner. However, I know her best for her film and stage role of Evelyn in LaBute's The Shape of Things. I did not address her until we were all exiting. I told her how much I enjoyed her work and choices and that I had just directed S of Ts. I asked her when we could expect to see her on stage again as, in my opinion, that is where she really shows what she is made of... She said that she agreed and hoped that it would be soon.
After the show, I met Thane, Brenda, Sarah and Karen at Angus McIndoe for a Dessert Feast! We ordered one of everything and the waitress in kicked in one more for good measure. I called it the Moveable Feast (you are welcome Mr. Hemmingway).
At some point the fact that we were from the Midwest came up. The waitress said she was too...Apple Valley. I said, "Do you know Joe Wycoff and Pam Cady?" Considering she said "Cady" along with was obvious that she did. These two names are two of the most significant names in the National Forensic League. They are two of the most successful oral interp, extemp and debate coaches in the US; they also just happened to be married to one another. Alexis - the waitress - and her boyfriend also a waiter at Angus were both on the Apple Valley Forensic team. In fact, we were all in St. Louis in 1998 together for nationals...Theory of Dakotability.
The night nor was the Theory connections over. Sarah Vanderwoude took us to work with her. Okay, for those of you that know me, it is safe to assume that Fox News is the last place one could find me on a Thursday night...or Fri, Sat, Sun... However, I will forever be two things 1)open-minded 2)a sister to my conservative, right-wing Republican brother. I entered the foreign camp with trepidation and curiosity. I admit it, I sat on the studio couches, posed for pics in the newsroom and - dare I say it - enjoyed the entire tour. As Sarah was introducing us to other graveshift writers, she mentioned that one had attended the University of Nebraska. I mentioned that my son 's girlfriend went to UNL and was an accomplished soccer player for them. Sarah asked me who it was as she played soccer all the way through high school in SF. Oh course...she not only knew Katie, she knew Tyler and his entire posse. Theory of Dakotativity twice in one night.
By the way, please don't tell my brother I was at Fox. He will get his hopes up, and it is just too close to the holidays to set him up for disappointment in any hope of my political metamorphosis.
Full Circle
8 years ago
1 comment:
i love rachel weiss!! i'm so jealous you got to sit next to her and chat w/ her!!!
you didn't tell me tyler's GF played soccer!
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