Forgiveness...Renewal...Hope. These are the first words that I think of on Easter. They are also words that I hope will work their way into the next chapter of the Velarie - Kim Story.
On Friday, February 29, dad and I drove to Watertown to try to check on Velarie. We had no idea where we were going, but had some ideas where to start. First, we would just keep our eyes open as we drove in and around Watertown. She's a wanderer. Next, we stopped at the Salvation Army. They said that they remembered me calling but had not seen her. They recommended I look at a low income apartment complex on north 4th. Bingo.
Since Julie had told me that she would probably call the police if I showed up, I decided to check up on her quietly. The woman running the desk confirmed that Velarie was living there. She was a week behind in her rent but said that she was told that Vel's ss check was due this week. I told her to not let Velarie know that I stopped by but I left my number in case either needed anything.
Velarie is living large in Watertown. Her birthday was on March 21st. I so wanted to go see her, but I know she is not ready. As it is springbreak, I am hoping some of my Watertown students will have time to stop in and befriend her...forgiveness...renewal...hope. I believe all this is possible.
Full Circle
8 years ago